Greetings all - sorry it has been so very long between posts. Life and work pressures I'm sad to say. HOWEVER, I haven't been remiss in training our little black cock faggot so on with the fun!
Fifi has been learning lately that PINK nail polish is a must for a pantied and pinkified pussy faggot for BLACK. If I EVER see her on cam again without pretty pink nails the bitch will be punished!! Check out these photos - what a pretty little sissy! Wouldn't you just like to fuck the shit out of that?

One of the most important rules for a sissyfaggot trainer is to expect PERFECTION from your bitches. It is ok to be patient, but the goal is perfection in the faggot and no detail is to small to punish the faggot for not being absolutely fucking perfect. Her Black Masters will expect nothing less!
We're making progress in a couple of other areas as well. LIMP WRISTS are a must and fifi is starting to exhibit them better - we've got a ways to go to get is just right but progress is being made. Another thing you'll see in the below photos is a better pull back of the shoulders -- faggot sissy sluts must always have the shoulders pulled back to the max to show off those little sissy titties!

Now just need to train the little faggot even harder! See below the faggot realizes how far it has yet to go to become a PERFECT black cock sissy. Ha ha - BACK TO WORK, BITCH!
Speaking of training, time for the video portion of today's entertainment. It wouldn't be a good post without a little video humiliation of our favorite sissyslut from Amsterdam. Here are a couple that should give you a good laugh and show you what a good little humiliation slut fifi has the potential to be!
I would love to read any comments on ideas for fifi vids and if you are a black man who would like to assist in her training, please feel free to contact me!